Cheri Chiffondelux

Sex : Female

Date of birth : 11/05/2020

Type of color : Seal bicolour, n 03

The most affectionate cat among all, which is due to the angelic character of his father Marseille. At the same time, she took after Mommy Olivia in appearance. The very case when crossing the ideal character of the father and the excellent appearance of the mother, we got a small super-affectionate miracle. From this litter, we kept her little sister Charmel.

Cheri Chiffondelux

Sex : Female

Date of birth : 11/05/2020

Type of color : Seal bicolour, n 03

The most affectionate cat among all, which is due to the angelic character of his father Marseille. At the same time, she took after Mommy Olivia in appearance. The very case when crossing the ideal character of the father and the excellent appearance of the mother, we got a small super-affectionate miracle. From this litter, we kept her little sister Charmel.

The most affectionate cat among all, which is due to the angelic character of his father Marseille. At the same time, she took after Mommy Olivia in appearance
When starting offspring, a very important factor is the absence of hereditary diseases, so you need to check your producers.
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